Wednesday 21 August 2013

Where's Chattabox?

Hi CP Fans!
Recently I have heard a lot on Twitter penguins saying "Wheres Chattabox?" and I have the answer!
When I went to CP offices, my tour guide Rob told me that the Australian office had closed down! Chattabox was a member of the CP Australian team, so when CP no longer had use for the Australian team, Chattabox had no other option but to leave! I have known this for quite a while and didn't think of making a blog post about it until today!

Best Fishes!


Saturday 17 August 2013

The Truth Behind Herbert and Klutzy

Hi CP Fans!
Recently the Star Wars Takeover ended, (which I have to admit wasn't my favourite party!) and we said goodbye to the villainous Darth Herbert, however whilst reading the newspaper I have realised that Darth Herbert isn't so villainous!
Somebody asked Obi Wan Sensei in the newspaper about Emperor Palpatine. Obi Wan said a few sentences that caught my eye: "Young Grasshopper, where there is one, there is often another. Perhaps an Emperor with sharper claws than Darth Herbert rules over the dark side. Many believe that villainous bear simply enforces his evil will, and orders his pizza. The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded. As the snow minions are controlled by Tusk, Darth Herbert may be controlled by another. Some say he has known Darth Herbert for many years. It is said the bear owes his life to him. Others say it is mere whispers in the wind. What do u believe?" All of this had made be believe that Emperor Palpatine is... Klutzy!!!!!! There were a lot of particular phrases in there that described Klutzy like saving Herbert's life and sharper claws than Herbert! My big theory is it used to be Club Crab but then the 3 mighty questers Rsnail, Billybob and Skidder (Thats Dave Krysko's penguin who he just announced the name of) founded this island but didn't realise that this was already Club Crab! Then all the other penguins came along and the crabs got annoyed and started cutting off our fishing lines and stealing the Puffle-O's! Then Klutzy (the leader of the crabs) found a polar bear in the ocean almost dead! Then Herbert said "Oh mighty crab you saved my life! How can I ever repay you?" Then Klutzy replied "Help get these penguins off the island!" What do YOU guys think of my theory?  Please send me a tweet or a comment to let me know!
Have an awesome day!

Best Fishes!
