Friday 6 September 2013

Dimension Doom

Hi CP Fans!
The other day I ran into a couple of problems with dimensions, so if your'e interested then you can read the story here:

Dimension Doom.

It had been 2 weeks of the Teen Beach Summer Jam as we had helped Mack and Brady get back to the real dimension but after so much partying we were kind of glad that it had all ended! I woke up that morning with a fresh new start and decided to wander to the Town, but there was one problem, I fell through the Box Dimension!
On my way down I fell through thousands of dimensions! I had no idea whether this was a matter of life or death, or whether I was dreaming! But I definitely knew that whatever was happening wasn't good! Luckily for me although it seemed like forever I had finally landed! I froze for a couple of seconds… Oh-Oh this was exactly what had happened to Brady and Mack, he had a look around, I was stuck in West Side Story! I panicked and had a look around, loads of questions were buzzing in his head such as

 "Will anybody come back for me?" and "Will I be stuck forever?" 

These the usual questions I asked myself when I got into panic. But being the smart thinking penguin I was, I knew a way out! In West Side Story the Everyday Phoning Facility stays the same meaning the room has a computer. I knew if he typed on it, it would appear on the other end! Ocean6100 (secret EPF agent posing as an average receptionist) was at the desk at this time and was currently dealing with customers Chilly0ne and Fottymaddy. We were all good friends with but the gang still hadn't realised I was missing! I then started typing:

"Dear fellow friends back in CP, this morning I fell through the Box Dimension and stuck in West Side Story! I have no idea how to get out and I was wondering if you could help? Hope your day is going well! Best Fishes!"

Ocean was astonished to see his computer typing by itself! He told Fotty and Chilly to have a look at the computer who were also shocked! They all muttered stuff like:

"He's stuck in the Teen Beach Movie just like Mack and Brady!" Said Chilly

"Somethings not right here… hmmm.' Replied Ocean

Fotty was just speechless! They had mixed feelings like they were glad that they had found me, but they had no idea how they were going to get me out! But then they thought of a way! If I jumped through the Box Dimension again then I would find myself in the computer dimension, so then I could email myself to the real world! So Ocean sent that through to me and then I bravely jumped through the Box Dimension again! I wasn't as scared as I was before as I was prepared this time. I landed in the computer dimension and proceeded to find the nearest computer so I could email myself! And then in 60 seconds I was already back with my friends! Fotty said he would treat everybody to a pizza to celebrate me coming back safely! So it turned out alls well that ends well! 

Hope you enjoyed the story about my adventures!

Best Fishes!


Wednesday 4 September 2013

Interview with Ocean6100

Hi CP Fans!
Today I interviewed Ocean6100, the well known nice penguin and amazing blogger!

Buttons99999: Hey Ocean! What is the best thing about CP?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite thing about Club Penguin is that it leads to so many other great things. Graphics, video making, blogging and more.

Buttons99999: That is right, CP opens lots of doors! What would you say to kids who are getting bullied for playing CP?

Ocean6100: Just stay strong, and don't let them get to you. If you're getting bullied, I advise you watching this video: 

Buttons99999: That is an amazing video, thanks for the link! What tips do you have for all CP bloggers?

Ocean6100: My advice for all Club Penguin bloggers is this: don't blog for popularity, blog because you want to blog.

Buttons99999: That is very true! Who was your inspiration for blogging?

Ocean6100: I was inspired to make a blog when I saw Icequix's blog a long time ago. His graphics really amazed me, and I wanted to start one of my own.

Buttons99999: I will make sure to check out Icequix's blog! What made you come up with the name Ocean6100?

Ocean6100: It's a long story, actually. When I first joined Club Penguin, my mom asked me what my favourite word was. It turned out to be "Ocean". Then she added the numbers "6100" to the end of it. There's actually a reason why it's those numbers in that order, but I'll keep that secret for now.

Buttons99999: Thanks, I have always wondered that! What is your favourite CP memory?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite memory from Club Penguin was either when I first joined during the Christmas Party 2008, or when I met Billybob at his farewell party. That was bittersweet. :)

Buttons99999: Awwww, the good old days of Billybob! What do u say to people who dislike Disney or Spike Hike?

Ocean6100: I think the Club Penguin community has a bit of a problem with change. Spike Hike has been doing a great job, just not the same things as Billybob did. I think Club Penguin's doing a great job, altogether. :)

Buttons99999: That is very true, they are both very different! What do you think was CP's biggest mistake?

Ocean6100: Oh, that's a hard one. Probably one of the biggest mistakes that they've made is not patching items. This enables people to hack them, and cause drama. After all, #StahpTheDrama!

Buttons99999: You have raised some very good points, together we can stop drama! What do you think is your favourite room on CP and your least favourite?

Ocean6100: My favorite room in Club Penguin was actually a party room during Rockhopper's Quest called "Swashbuckler Trading Post". My least favourite room is probably the Ski Hill, if I had to pick one.

Buttons99999: I can see your opinions there! Last question: What is your favourite food?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite food is pizza, like a lot of people. :)

Buttons99999: Thanks so much for everything Ocean! It has been a pleasure!

Ocean6100: No problem! Thanks so much for interviewing me, and I want to say this to you all: you are all amazing, each of you have a talent. Use it, and you'll get amazing results. :)

Thanks for all of that Ocean! If you would like to see more of Oceans opinions then you can read his blog here:!

Best Fishes!
