Saturday 23 November 2013

Club Penguin FM

Hi CP Fans!
I can now officially announce that CP Tips and Tricks has finally got Club Penguin FM, hit radio, on the site.
Club Penguin FM is a new smash hit radio by Pingu17174 and Lebron Jr23. Now when you guys are reading blog posts you can listen to some great tunes! The radio station is great and I wish good luck to Pingu and Lebron with the radio! I would also like to thank the blogs associate Chillin43 who was the great penguin who added the radio to my blog so a very big thank you to him!

Best Fishes!


UPDATE: Club Penguin FM has been taken off the site due to technical difficulties.

Thursday 21 November 2013

New updates

Hi CP Fans!
It is finally what we've all been waiting for: Operation: Puffle! And may I be the first to say it is a great party! The rooms are very detailed and they're great! It is really fun how you get to travel on boats to different locations on Club Penguin. The only bad thing about this party is not many of the normal rooms are decorated. But apart from that issue this is one of the best parties of 2013! Another fun thing is that there is a small mini-game to try and save the Puffles. A new part of the game will be released each day so keep your eyes peeled! Also another think keep your eyes peeled on is that I heard that Herbert and PH are wondering around the island so leave a comment if you find them! The last update of today was that all three floors of the Puffle Hotel have been renovated so go and take a look!

Best Fishes!
