Friday 31 May 2013

The Best Holiday Ever

Hi CP Fans!
A few of you may be wondering why I haven't written in a a few weeks, well here is the answer: I have been on the best holiday ever and 2 days of it was going to Kelowna to visit the CP head office!
You probably want to hear about the CP head office so here goes: My trip to the CP office was at 12:00 on the dot! It was a little quieter than usual due to it being Victoria Day. We had an amazing tour guide called Rob who was  really fun! I even got to see where they filmed Do The Puffle Shake! We also got to see the amazing artwork that kids around the world had drawn for CP, it really is fascinating! We also got to see a bit of the games room and the Migrator (fake one of course). The Migrator had some really comfy puffle bean bags! To finish Rob gave me a brown puffle which I thought was really nice of him! An hour later when we were heading back to our hotel you would never guess what happened...we bumped into Dave Krysko! We talked to him for about an half an hour and he was really nice! He was such an inspirational guy and it was a pleasure to meet him! The next day when we were flying to LAX for the next part of our holiday I saw Lance Priebe! I talked to him and his friend Jared (who worked at CP) and Lance showed me a couple of sneak peaks form Mech Mice! Like everybody else they were really nice as well!
I hope you enjoyed reading this entry as much as I enjoyed doing these things! And please let me say one more very big thank you to Lisa who organised the tour, Rob who gave the tour, Dave for taking the time to meet me and Lance and Jared for letting me sit next to you guys on the plane and chat! A big round of applause for them, Bravo!

Best Fishes!


Friday 10 May 2013

Party Announcement

Hi CP Fans!
The new Card-Jitsu party has been announced from May 23rd-June 6th with the new release of Snow Card-Jitsu!
Sensei will also be the mascot of the party with a new costume! Remember to dress warm penguins because there is a humongous storm!

Best Fishes!


My Penguin

Hi CP Fans!
Yesterday the amazing My Penguin app came out and it was absolutely genius! I was on the app for about 3 hours of the day!
To celebrate the new release there was a party on CP on a couple of servers! First I went to Fog and met Spike Hike at 22:50* in the Town! We then all went to the Ice Berg and as he wasn't very crowded at that point I managed to get a postcard from him! I was very happy as I had received one before from him but it had gone missing! At 23:10* I decided to go to a different server to meet a different character/mod! I went to Fjord and saw on the igloo list that Polo Field was online! I looked all around the island but then found him at Ski Hill! When Polo disappeared I saw Yamfry (head of guest experience) and I managed to get a postcard from her! At 23:30* I logged off after such a fun party! Thank you so much CP team!

Best Fishes!

*= Please may I remind all readers this is in English time!


Monday 6 May 2013

New Pin

Hi CP Fans!

The new Paper Lantern pin has been hidden in the Recycling Plant by the Mine! I hope you find it!

Best Fishes!
