Friday 10 May 2013

My Penguin

Hi CP Fans!
Yesterday the amazing My Penguin app came out and it was absolutely genius! I was on the app for about 3 hours of the day!
To celebrate the new release there was a party on CP on a couple of servers! First I went to Fog and met Spike Hike at 22:50* in the Town! We then all went to the Ice Berg and as he wasn't very crowded at that point I managed to get a postcard from him! I was very happy as I had received one before from him but it had gone missing! At 23:10* I decided to go to a different server to meet a different character/mod! I went to Fjord and saw on the igloo list that Polo Field was online! I looked all around the island but then found him at Ski Hill! When Polo disappeared I saw Yamfry (head of guest experience) and I managed to get a postcard from her! At 23:30* I logged off after such a fun party! Thank you so much CP team!

Best Fishes!

*= Please may I remind all readers this is in English time!


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