Thursday 24 October 2013

BAFTA Awards

Hi CP Fans!
Club Penguin are competitors for the BAFTA Awards! They are competing in the 'Web' section of the awards and I wish them the best of luck! It has been 8 years since the beginning of Club Penguin and considering all the joiners ever since, they have a great chance of winning! Also I was having a look who are the competition, and I can honestly say that CP has the highest chance of winning the award! When you vote for CP you also get this wallpaper of Tundrafluff:
So please take your time to vote for CP and lets make sure we can make this win happen!

Best Fishes!



  1. Do you know if someone from the USA can vote or is it strictly for those in Britain?

    1. I think it is for everyone, but not actually that sure! I think just go on to the website and just try and vote!

      Best Fishes!


  2. Replies
    1. Yep! Best Fishes is my well known catchphrase that you will see I say a LOT on posts, tweets and comments!

      Best Fishes!

