Monday 21 October 2013

Interview with Dragosv224

Hi CP Fans!
Today I interviewed Dragosv224, the great blogger we all know from the awesome blog: Through Club Penguin.

Buttons99999: Hey Dragosv! What is the best thing about CP?

Dragosv224: The best thing about Club Penguin is making new friends, enjoying parties and obviously, having fun!

Buttons99999: I know, it is very important to have fun! What would you say to kids who are getting bullied for playing CP?

Dragosv244: They shouldn't start doing the same thing, bullying someone is a bad thing, and you should treat people as how you want to be treated.

Buttons99999: That is great advice! What tips do you have for all CP bloggers?

Dragosv224: Be original and creative.

Buttons99999: Good choice of words! Who was your inspiration for blogging?

Dragosv244: I've been inspired by a lot of Club Penguin Bloggers but all I can say is try to be yourself.

Buttons99999: Yep, being yourself is very important. What made you come up with the name Dragosv224?

Dragsov224: Well, that's something complicated to answer. That was the first thing I got in mind when I've joined Club Penguin.

Buttons99999: Well I guess if it was the first thing you could think of, then why not! What is your favourite CP memory?

Dragosv244: Seeing how Herbert is trying to destroy the Club Penguin island again and again but failing.

Buttons99999: LOL, I sure hope Herbert doesn't read this! What do you say to people who dislike Disney or Spike Hike?

Dragosv224: Spike Hike isn't doing any favouritism and he isn't ignoring people. They need to understand that Spike Hike is a busy man and he doesn't need to be treated like this. He's just trying to make the community better. And Disney isn't ruining Club Penguin as most of the players are saying. Disney is just trying to make Club Penguin better for you to enjoy.

Buttons99999: That is true, people should leave Spike alone! What do u think was CP's biggest mistake?

Dragosv224: Maybe not letting Polo Field follow us again? But no one needs to criticise this because it's of the Company Rules.

Buttons99999: That is true, it was never Polo's fault! What do you think is your favourite room on CP and your least favourite?

Dragosv224: My favourite room on Club Penguin is The Ski Village or the Forest. And my least favourite room is the Iceberg.

Buttons99999: Great opinion! Last question: What is your favourite food?

Dragosv224: My favourite food is cereal.

Buttons99999: Thanks so much for everything Dragosv! It has been a pleasure!

Dragosv224: You're welcome! You're all awesome, waddle on!

If you would like to see more of Dragosv's opinions then go to In other news a couple of posts ago I said Rsnail wouldn't be able to attend the Anniversary Party, well that has now changed and he can now make it!

Best Fishes!


1 comment:

  1. I know! I'm so glad we were able to do it! Thank you for participating!

    Best Fishes!

