Saturday 23 November 2013

Club Penguin FM

Hi CP Fans!
I can now officially announce that CP Tips and Tricks has finally got Club Penguin FM, hit radio, on the site.
Club Penguin FM is a new smash hit radio by Pingu17174 and Lebron Jr23. Now when you guys are reading blog posts you can listen to some great tunes! The radio station is great and I wish good luck to Pingu and Lebron with the radio! I would also like to thank the blogs associate Chillin43 who was the great penguin who added the radio to my blog so a very big thank you to him!

Best Fishes!


UPDATE: Club Penguin FM has been taken off the site due to technical difficulties.

Thursday 21 November 2013

New updates

Hi CP Fans!
It is finally what we've all been waiting for: Operation: Puffle! And may I be the first to say it is a great party! The rooms are very detailed and they're great! It is really fun how you get to travel on boats to different locations on Club Penguin. The only bad thing about this party is not many of the normal rooms are decorated. But apart from that issue this is one of the best parties of 2013! Another fun thing is that there is a small mini-game to try and save the Puffles. A new part of the game will be released each day so keep your eyes peeled! Also another think keep your eyes peeled on is that I heard that Herbert and PH are wondering around the island so leave a comment if you find them! The last update of today was that all three floors of the Puffle Hotel have been renovated so go and take a look!

Best Fishes!


Thursday 24 October 2013

BAFTA Awards

Hi CP Fans!
Club Penguin are competitors for the BAFTA Awards! They are competing in the 'Web' section of the awards and I wish them the best of luck! It has been 8 years since the beginning of Club Penguin and considering all the joiners ever since, they have a great chance of winning! Also I was having a look who are the competition, and I can honestly say that CP has the highest chance of winning the award! When you vote for CP you also get this wallpaper of Tundrafluff:
So please take your time to vote for CP and lets make sure we can make this win happen!

Best Fishes!


Wednesday 23 October 2013

CP Anniversary Party

Hi CP Fans!
It is finally the 8th CP Anniversary Party and I am so glad we can celebrate 5 whole years of CP! I have to admit I wasn't to keen on the decorations this year but still happy we can celebrate! Also there is going to be a party for English/European players today at 4PM UK Time! There will be super awesome guests such as: Karlapop321, Federflink1, Gajotz, Spike Hike, Daffodaily5 and Loustik005!
I have never met Karlapop321 before so this should be really fun! I hope to see everyone there! Also it is a definite that Rsnail will be coming on CP sometime and Businesmoose has just said he will probably come on sometime as well! And my last piece of news is that CP are going to launch a new album, sung by Jordan Fisher so Polo Field and Megg were on Marshmallow yesterday shooting scenes for the music video and hopefully I might be in the video so keep your eyes peeled!

Best Fishes!


Monday 21 October 2013

Interview with Dragosv224

Hi CP Fans!
Today I interviewed Dragosv224, the great blogger we all know from the awesome blog: Through Club Penguin.

Buttons99999: Hey Dragosv! What is the best thing about CP?

Dragosv224: The best thing about Club Penguin is making new friends, enjoying parties and obviously, having fun!

Buttons99999: I know, it is very important to have fun! What would you say to kids who are getting bullied for playing CP?

Dragosv244: They shouldn't start doing the same thing, bullying someone is a bad thing, and you should treat people as how you want to be treated.

Buttons99999: That is great advice! What tips do you have for all CP bloggers?

Dragosv224: Be original and creative.

Buttons99999: Good choice of words! Who was your inspiration for blogging?

Dragosv244: I've been inspired by a lot of Club Penguin Bloggers but all I can say is try to be yourself.

Buttons99999: Yep, being yourself is very important. What made you come up with the name Dragosv224?

Dragsov224: Well, that's something complicated to answer. That was the first thing I got in mind when I've joined Club Penguin.

Buttons99999: Well I guess if it was the first thing you could think of, then why not! What is your favourite CP memory?

Dragosv244: Seeing how Herbert is trying to destroy the Club Penguin island again and again but failing.

Buttons99999: LOL, I sure hope Herbert doesn't read this! What do you say to people who dislike Disney or Spike Hike?

Dragosv224: Spike Hike isn't doing any favouritism and he isn't ignoring people. They need to understand that Spike Hike is a busy man and he doesn't need to be treated like this. He's just trying to make the community better. And Disney isn't ruining Club Penguin as most of the players are saying. Disney is just trying to make Club Penguin better for you to enjoy.

Buttons99999: That is true, people should leave Spike alone! What do u think was CP's biggest mistake?

Dragosv224: Maybe not letting Polo Field follow us again? But no one needs to criticise this because it's of the Company Rules.

Buttons99999: That is true, it was never Polo's fault! What do you think is your favourite room on CP and your least favourite?

Dragosv224: My favourite room on Club Penguin is The Ski Village or the Forest. And my least favourite room is the Iceberg.

Buttons99999: Great opinion! Last question: What is your favourite food?

Dragosv224: My favourite food is cereal.

Buttons99999: Thanks so much for everything Dragosv! It has been a pleasure!

Dragosv224: You're welcome! You're all awesome, waddle on!

If you would like to see more of Dragosv's opinions then go to In other news a couple of posts ago I said Rsnail wouldn't be able to attend the Anniversary Party, well that has now changed and he can now make it!

Best Fishes!


Sunday 20 October 2013

How Buttons99999 came to be

Hi CP Fans!
I often get questions about how Buttons came to be, so if you were one of those people then you can take a look at my story here: 

It was a cold day of August 2009 and I was really looking forward to that day for one reason: Grandpa John was visiting! Every time Grandpa John came he often gave me extraordinary gifts, he even once have me a painting including characters such as Simpsons and Spongebob. And this time when Grandpa John came he gave me a great gift: a toy penguin! This toy penguin was named Buttons and I knew as soon as I met him he was an extraordinary penguin! I'm sure everyone would love to meet him so here is a pic of him to the left of this paragraph! Then in October my friend named Finlay introduced me to Club Penguin and I instantly fell in love with it! On October 12th I decided to create a penguin. My Mum suggested Buttons due to my toy, but that name was taken. As it was 2009 we thought to add some nines, and so five being an easy number to remember, I added five nines. I had then created the name Buttons99999. I had so much fun on Club Penguin, and on 19th April 2013 I decided to make a Twitter so I could make new friends and communicate easily. After just one day I saw so many penguins had fan-made blogs so I decided to make my own on April 20th 2013 named CP Tips and Tricks. And that brings us to today, I still blog and tweet every now and then. I have made so many great friends so thank you all!

Best Fishes!


Mimi55555's new blog: 'The Legend of Trainman1405

Hi CP Fans!
My friend Mimi55555 has opened up a new blog called 'The Legend of Trainman1405' and I would just like to give a review: 'The Legend of Trainman1405' is a blog of Mimi trying to find Trainman so he can get lots of money and rule Club Penguin. He meets lots of whacky new friends and in the latest chapter he has just been shown what a 'Pokemon' is by Turtwig1fan.' Chapter 3 comes out today and I am very exited! Me and Mimi are old friends and we both get on really well so I am glad that he has finally opened a blog!

Best Fishes!


Buttons Art

Hi CP Fans!
I am really good friends with Jordyp1 and Mimi55555. They are such such talented artists and have both drawn me fascinating drawings which I would like to show here:

Here is Mimi's amazing drawing of me: 

And here is Jordy's fantastic drawing of me:

Thank you guys for all the time and effort spent on these! I am very grateful!

Best Fishes!


Saturday 19 October 2013

POTD: Fottymaddy

Hi CP Fans!
Yesterday we had a very special POTD: Fottymaddy!
 Usually I don't bother to write POTD but Fotty is a very special friend so I thought this would be a great blog post! Also there is another reason why I am doing this post: I voted for Fotty! I have also voted for a few other special penguins so keep your eyes peeled! Here is what Daffo said about Fotty: "Fottymaddy wants to cheer you up when you're feeling down, and throws the most epic parties in town! Hey, that rhymed! That igloo is truly spook-tacular...look at the tentacles and eyeballs! *Shudders*" Also if you had never heard of Fotty before then you can go to one of my past stories called "Dimension Doom" where Fotty is one of the characters. Thank you all for reading!

Best Fishes!


New Template

Hi CP Fans!
A lot of people say I should make my blog a bit more fancier and the other week I added pictures to every single post, but now I have updated once again! I have now added a template, which is book themed!

I hope everyone likes the now improvement but if not I will be happy to change again. I will also be making other changes throughout the month so I am sorry if the site has a few bugs during this time! Thanks for your patience!

Best Fishes!


CP Perspective

Hi CP Fans!
I would like to dedicate this post to Chillin43, the owner of CP Perspective. CP Perspective is a blog about Chillin's personal opinions, and he has the greatest opinions! He has set his blog into three different sections: His posts, upcoming Club Penguin events and Club Penguin fun facts. I often help with Chillin's fun facts and he is so nice and often gives me credit! Also to know which blog is definitely his, always look for his Gary icon!

If you would like to check his blog then here is a link:!
Have a great day!

Best Fishes!


Rookie Times

Hi CP Fans!
A couple of weeks ago I told you that Rookie will be the mascot for the Halloween Party and incase you haven't met him here are some meet-up times:

Thursday, October 17
9:30am on the server Chinook*
1:00pm on the server Rainbow*
Friday, October 18
1:00am on the server Iceland*
Saturday, October 19
3:00am on the server Northern Lights*
12:30pm on the server Rainbow*
3:00pm on the server Cloudy*
Sunday, October 20
1:00pm on the server Frosty*
Monday, October 21
9:30am on the server Jack Frost*
5:00pm on the server Wool Socks*
Tuesday, October 22
2:00am on the server Sherbert*
9:30am on the server Chinook*
Wednesday, October 23
9:30am on the server Fog*
Monday, October 28
9:30am on the server Fog*
Tuesday, October 29
1:00am on the server Fog*
9:30am on the server Chinook*
Wednesday, October 30
3:00am on the server Cozy*
9:30am on the server White Out*
Thursday, October 31
2:00am on the server Sherbert*
 9:30am on the server Fog*
So if you manage to meet him then be sure to let me know!

Best Fishes!

*= Please may I remind all readers this is in PST time!


Halloween Party 2013

Hi CP Fans!
The new Halloween Party is now out and has definitely had mixed reviews! Whilst some penguins love the party, others absolutely hate it! My personal opinion was that it could have been better. I really liked the transformations, but I miss the Haunted House. Last year we could hunt for ghosts in the Haunted House and it never got old and I did it every single day. But all you can do every day at this Halloween Party is collect candy and transform. I really think they also could have spent longer on party decorations like they could have added more ghosts and pumpkins.
I just think that CP are running out of ideas and I am worried for the future of CP due to so many penguins angry about the lack of parties they wanted. I would love to hear everyone else's opinion about this so any comments/tweets are very welcome!

Best Fishes!


Thursday 10 October 2013

500 Followers party and 4 years of Buttons99999

Hi CP Fans!!
I have reached 500 followers on Twitter and having a party to celebrate. Not only that I am celebrating, but I am also celebrating the day I joined CP! I joined CP on October 12th 2009 and thought this would be the perfect day to hold a party! So if u would like to come here are the details:

500 Followers/Buttons created 4 Years Ago Party
12th October 2013
Host: Buttons99999
Co-Host: Mimi55555
11:00AM PST/7:00PM UK Time
Server: Breeze

Also I have chosen 30 V.I.P's so if you want to find out who they are you can find out on the following list: 
  1. Captain Obi
  2. Yelabugin
  3. Tepig365
  4. Penguinpark4
  5. Dragosv224
  6. A11766
  7. 8Muncher8
  8. Bluerocket8
  9. 158Cooldude
  10. Firepup16
  11. Iceyfeet234
  12. Oreo2319
  13. Penny44546
  14. Jempenguin
  15. Cutencoolguy
  16. Zachary11
  17. Energezer
  18. Mrpinky99
  19. Cw700
  20. Chillin43
  21. Jordyp1
  22. Squidy2008
  23. 77Lulu77
  24. Monchocho
  25. Coollegoguy4
  26. Pixiepenigu
  27. Kieranb8561
  28. Pingu17174
  29. Ninjakrom
  30. Ocean6100
It would be great if you could come as well because the more the merrier! 

Best Fishes!


October Parties

Hi CP Fans!
It is now October and we all know what October is famous for: great parties! Usually CP enlightens us with the legendary Halloween Parties and Anniversary Parties. Apparently this years Halloween Party will be completely different from last year so I hope it'll be good! Last year we were able to turn into ghosts but I have heard this year we will be able to turn into Werewolves, Zombies, Bat Puffles and Vampires! And to make the party even more fun Rookie will be organising it and be the mascot! Sounds cool! Also we will have an Anniversary Party on October 24th which also I hope will be good! Rsnail has already announced he will not be attending but I'm sure Billybob will come and also ask Dave Krysko (who recently announced his penguin name was Skidder) later in the week weather he will be able to make it, so I will be doing a blog post about that soon!

UPDATE: Rsnail has now said he can make it and Skidder has said that "He doesn't go on CP that much" which sounded like a likely no.

Best Fishes!


Friday 6 September 2013

Dimension Doom

Hi CP Fans!
The other day I ran into a couple of problems with dimensions, so if your'e interested then you can read the story here:

Dimension Doom.

It had been 2 weeks of the Teen Beach Summer Jam as we had helped Mack and Brady get back to the real dimension but after so much partying we were kind of glad that it had all ended! I woke up that morning with a fresh new start and decided to wander to the Town, but there was one problem, I fell through the Box Dimension!
On my way down I fell through thousands of dimensions! I had no idea whether this was a matter of life or death, or whether I was dreaming! But I definitely knew that whatever was happening wasn't good! Luckily for me although it seemed like forever I had finally landed! I froze for a couple of seconds… Oh-Oh this was exactly what had happened to Brady and Mack, he had a look around, I was stuck in West Side Story! I panicked and had a look around, loads of questions were buzzing in his head such as

 "Will anybody come back for me?" and "Will I be stuck forever?" 

These the usual questions I asked myself when I got into panic. But being the smart thinking penguin I was, I knew a way out! In West Side Story the Everyday Phoning Facility stays the same meaning the room has a computer. I knew if he typed on it, it would appear on the other end! Ocean6100 (secret EPF agent posing as an average receptionist) was at the desk at this time and was currently dealing with customers Chilly0ne and Fottymaddy. We were all good friends with but the gang still hadn't realised I was missing! I then started typing:

"Dear fellow friends back in CP, this morning I fell through the Box Dimension and stuck in West Side Story! I have no idea how to get out and I was wondering if you could help? Hope your day is going well! Best Fishes!"

Ocean was astonished to see his computer typing by itself! He told Fotty and Chilly to have a look at the computer who were also shocked! They all muttered stuff like:

"He's stuck in the Teen Beach Movie just like Mack and Brady!" Said Chilly

"Somethings not right here… hmmm.' Replied Ocean

Fotty was just speechless! They had mixed feelings like they were glad that they had found me, but they had no idea how they were going to get me out! But then they thought of a way! If I jumped through the Box Dimension again then I would find myself in the computer dimension, so then I could email myself to the real world! So Ocean sent that through to me and then I bravely jumped through the Box Dimension again! I wasn't as scared as I was before as I was prepared this time. I landed in the computer dimension and proceeded to find the nearest computer so I could email myself! And then in 60 seconds I was already back with my friends! Fotty said he would treat everybody to a pizza to celebrate me coming back safely! So it turned out alls well that ends well! 

Hope you enjoyed the story about my adventures!

Best Fishes!


Wednesday 4 September 2013

Interview with Ocean6100

Hi CP Fans!
Today I interviewed Ocean6100, the well known nice penguin and amazing blogger!

Buttons99999: Hey Ocean! What is the best thing about CP?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite thing about Club Penguin is that it leads to so many other great things. Graphics, video making, blogging and more.

Buttons99999: That is right, CP opens lots of doors! What would you say to kids who are getting bullied for playing CP?

Ocean6100: Just stay strong, and don't let them get to you. If you're getting bullied, I advise you watching this video: 

Buttons99999: That is an amazing video, thanks for the link! What tips do you have for all CP bloggers?

Ocean6100: My advice for all Club Penguin bloggers is this: don't blog for popularity, blog because you want to blog.

Buttons99999: That is very true! Who was your inspiration for blogging?

Ocean6100: I was inspired to make a blog when I saw Icequix's blog a long time ago. His graphics really amazed me, and I wanted to start one of my own.

Buttons99999: I will make sure to check out Icequix's blog! What made you come up with the name Ocean6100?

Ocean6100: It's a long story, actually. When I first joined Club Penguin, my mom asked me what my favourite word was. It turned out to be "Ocean". Then she added the numbers "6100" to the end of it. There's actually a reason why it's those numbers in that order, but I'll keep that secret for now.

Buttons99999: Thanks, I have always wondered that! What is your favourite CP memory?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite memory from Club Penguin was either when I first joined during the Christmas Party 2008, or when I met Billybob at his farewell party. That was bittersweet. :)

Buttons99999: Awwww, the good old days of Billybob! What do u say to people who dislike Disney or Spike Hike?

Ocean6100: I think the Club Penguin community has a bit of a problem with change. Spike Hike has been doing a great job, just not the same things as Billybob did. I think Club Penguin's doing a great job, altogether. :)

Buttons99999: That is very true, they are both very different! What do you think was CP's biggest mistake?

Ocean6100: Oh, that's a hard one. Probably one of the biggest mistakes that they've made is not patching items. This enables people to hack them, and cause drama. After all, #StahpTheDrama!

Buttons99999: You have raised some very good points, together we can stop drama! What do you think is your favourite room on CP and your least favourite?

Ocean6100: My favorite room in Club Penguin was actually a party room during Rockhopper's Quest called "Swashbuckler Trading Post". My least favourite room is probably the Ski Hill, if I had to pick one.

Buttons99999: I can see your opinions there! Last question: What is your favourite food?

Ocean6100: Probably my favourite food is pizza, like a lot of people. :)

Buttons99999: Thanks so much for everything Ocean! It has been a pleasure!

Ocean6100: No problem! Thanks so much for interviewing me, and I want to say this to you all: you are all amazing, each of you have a talent. Use it, and you'll get amazing results. :)

Thanks for all of that Ocean! If you would like to see more of Oceans opinions then you can read his blog here:!

Best Fishes!


Wednesday 21 August 2013

Where's Chattabox?

Hi CP Fans!
Recently I have heard a lot on Twitter penguins saying "Wheres Chattabox?" and I have the answer!
When I went to CP offices, my tour guide Rob told me that the Australian office had closed down! Chattabox was a member of the CP Australian team, so when CP no longer had use for the Australian team, Chattabox had no other option but to leave! I have known this for quite a while and didn't think of making a blog post about it until today!

Best Fishes!


Saturday 17 August 2013

The Truth Behind Herbert and Klutzy

Hi CP Fans!
Recently the Star Wars Takeover ended, (which I have to admit wasn't my favourite party!) and we said goodbye to the villainous Darth Herbert, however whilst reading the newspaper I have realised that Darth Herbert isn't so villainous!
Somebody asked Obi Wan Sensei in the newspaper about Emperor Palpatine. Obi Wan said a few sentences that caught my eye: "Young Grasshopper, where there is one, there is often another. Perhaps an Emperor with sharper claws than Darth Herbert rules over the dark side. Many believe that villainous bear simply enforces his evil will, and orders his pizza. The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded. As the snow minions are controlled by Tusk, Darth Herbert may be controlled by another. Some say he has known Darth Herbert for many years. It is said the bear owes his life to him. Others say it is mere whispers in the wind. What do u believe?" All of this had made be believe that Emperor Palpatine is... Klutzy!!!!!! There were a lot of particular phrases in there that described Klutzy like saving Herbert's life and sharper claws than Herbert! My big theory is it used to be Club Crab but then the 3 mighty questers Rsnail, Billybob and Skidder (Thats Dave Krysko's penguin who he just announced the name of) founded this island but didn't realise that this was already Club Crab! Then all the other penguins came along and the crabs got annoyed and started cutting off our fishing lines and stealing the Puffle-O's! Then Klutzy (the leader of the crabs) found a polar bear in the ocean almost dead! Then Herbert said "Oh mighty crab you saved my life! How can I ever repay you?" Then Klutzy replied "Help get these penguins off the island!" What do YOU guys think of my theory?  Please send me a tweet or a comment to let me know!
Have an awesome day!

Best Fishes!


Tuesday 9 July 2013

Mech Mice

Hi CP Fans!
Mech Mice just started a few hours ago and it was awesome! I have to admit I did find it quite hard though! I would just like to say a big round of applause to the Hyper Hippo team for creating such an amazing game! Although something that I would change is that you would be able to create your own mouse character rather than only playing with the original Mech Mice characters!

It would be really awesome if someday they did a Mech Mice-Club Penguin crossover!

Best Fishes!


Thursday 27 June 2013

Monsters University Takeover and Spike Sunday

Hi CP Fans!
Quite a lot of news to share this week, so here goes! Last sunday at around 5:00PM BST Spike Hike announced that he was logging on to do his Spike Sunday, I ran to my computer and logged on as fast as I could! After about 20 minutes he said he was going to iggy starting with G. When I went on to the popular iggys there was one that was called 'Ghin 1' for some reason I had a good feeling about this iggy so I went there, and Spike Hike was there! I then told him about my JOX iggy and then he turned around to and said "Buttons iggy" I was so exited! I then looked on Twitter and saw Spike Hike has said in a tweet I'm going to BUTTON this Spike Sunday by visiting a penguins awesome Team Jox iggy!" I just couldn't believe my luck! If your'e reading this Spike then thanks so much! Now on to my 2nd piece on news: The new Monsters University Takeover is now on!
 It is a really good party! I'm in Team Jox, what about you guys? There is only one problem with the party, the Mike Wazowski and Squishy costumes were released today (which are both Oozma Kappa costumes) and the costumes can make you earn scare points on the spot, but these items are mainly for Oozma Kappa's and Team JOX and Team ROR don't get a costumes till Saturday! This means that Oozma Kappa have a lot more points than other teams! If you have a different opinion please feel free to let me know!

Best Fishes!


Friday 31 May 2013

The Best Holiday Ever

Hi CP Fans!
A few of you may be wondering why I haven't written in a a few weeks, well here is the answer: I have been on the best holiday ever and 2 days of it was going to Kelowna to visit the CP head office!
You probably want to hear about the CP head office so here goes: My trip to the CP office was at 12:00 on the dot! It was a little quieter than usual due to it being Victoria Day. We had an amazing tour guide called Rob who was  really fun! I even got to see where they filmed Do The Puffle Shake! We also got to see the amazing artwork that kids around the world had drawn for CP, it really is fascinating! We also got to see a bit of the games room and the Migrator (fake one of course). The Migrator had some really comfy puffle bean bags! To finish Rob gave me a brown puffle which I thought was really nice of him! An hour later when we were heading back to our hotel you would never guess what happened...we bumped into Dave Krysko! We talked to him for about an half an hour and he was really nice! He was such an inspirational guy and it was a pleasure to meet him! The next day when we were flying to LAX for the next part of our holiday I saw Lance Priebe! I talked to him and his friend Jared (who worked at CP) and Lance showed me a couple of sneak peaks form Mech Mice! Like everybody else they were really nice as well!
I hope you enjoyed reading this entry as much as I enjoyed doing these things! And please let me say one more very big thank you to Lisa who organised the tour, Rob who gave the tour, Dave for taking the time to meet me and Lance and Jared for letting me sit next to you guys on the plane and chat! A big round of applause for them, Bravo!

Best Fishes!


Friday 10 May 2013

Party Announcement

Hi CP Fans!
The new Card-Jitsu party has been announced from May 23rd-June 6th with the new release of Snow Card-Jitsu!
Sensei will also be the mascot of the party with a new costume! Remember to dress warm penguins because there is a humongous storm!

Best Fishes!


My Penguin

Hi CP Fans!
Yesterday the amazing My Penguin app came out and it was absolutely genius! I was on the app for about 3 hours of the day!
To celebrate the new release there was a party on CP on a couple of servers! First I went to Fog and met Spike Hike at 22:50* in the Town! We then all went to the Ice Berg and as he wasn't very crowded at that point I managed to get a postcard from him! I was very happy as I had received one before from him but it had gone missing! At 23:10* I decided to go to a different server to meet a different character/mod! I went to Fjord and saw on the igloo list that Polo Field was online! I looked all around the island but then found him at Ski Hill! When Polo disappeared I saw Yamfry (head of guest experience) and I managed to get a postcard from her! At 23:30* I logged off after such a fun party! Thank you so much CP team!

Best Fishes!

*= Please may I remind all readers this is in English time!


Monday 6 May 2013

New Pin

Hi CP Fans!

The new Paper Lantern pin has been hidden in the Recycling Plant by the Mine! I hope you find it!

Best Fishes!


Saturday 27 April 2013

Postcard from CP

Hi CP Fans!
At the end of March I sent a letter to Businesmoose to say that I'm sad that he is leaving and stuff like that, and today I got a response from the CP fan mail team! The postcard was really nice and I was so exited! I was also told that they had just passed on the letter to Businesmoose!
 As Leah (the woman who wrote the postcard) was so nice I would like to give her a round of applause! BRAVO BRAVO!

Best Fishes!


Thursday 25 April 2013

CP Awesome Updates

Hi CP Fans!
Today the CP Marvel Superhero Takeover started and it was so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
 I dressed as Goldy Odin and I had so much fun! First I teamed up with She-Hulk and put Venom in jail! Then I was captured by some of the villains, luckily I was saved though! The baddies are also using robots to destroy CP so I thought I would play them at their own game and I created a nice and good robot called Slimey! Then I met Iron America (Tony Stark) and his daughter Bella Stark and with Iron America we pretended to be baddies so we could get into their base! It was all so much fun, easily one of the best parties ever! There were some very cool new costumes and awesome new rooms like Tony Starks lab! Spike Hike has also announced the new app 'My Penguin' which sounds really fun! Some really cool updates this week CP Fans!

Best Fishes!


Monday 22 April 2013

Where's Polo?

Hi CP Fans!!
I have some brilliant news for everyone in London! Polo Field
posted a picture of the China Town Gate in London saying "Where's Polo?" so I think he might be in London at this very second! If anybody finds him send a tweet to me on Twitter please! Good luck!

Best Fishes!


Saturday 20 April 2013

Tour Guide

Hi CP fans!!
Today Tour Guide made her first ever entry to the official CP Blog!
Tour Guide is one of my favourite bloggers for one reason: we share the same catchphrase Best Fishes! This put a smile back on my face after finding no new Treasure Book!

Best Fishes!


New Pin (My first tip)

Hi CP Fans!!
Just thought I should let you know that that the Robot Pin is hidden in the Lodge Attic!

Best Fishes!!


New Blog

Hi CP Fans!
This is the very first entry to my Blog! You might wanna know some things about me so here goes:
- I love CP and my penguin name is Buttons99999
-I'm obsessed with theatre shows (especially musicals!!)
-My Twitter is @Buttons99999
-I have been playing CP since October 2009 and I hope you like it as much as I do!!

Best Fishes!!
